One of the most popular events in Backyard wrestling  since 1994. Only once a year does a event this big come around.  This is the event that shows who is the best in backyard wrestling.  Some of the most memorable moments in backyard wrestling come from this very event.  This event can be compared to how the super bowl is to football or Daytona 500 is to Nascar. THIS IS THE BIGGEST EVENT IN BACKYARD WRESTLING. on this page you can read about Blood Bash in past years and read about what's in store for Blood Bash this year.


Blood Bash 1994

Blood Bash 1995

Blood Bash 1996

Blood Bash 1997

Blood Bash 1998

Blood Bash 1999

Blood Bash y2k

Blood Bash 2001

Blood Bash 2002

                  Blood Bash 2003  (5 days of


Blood Bash 2004


The Best Of Backyard Wrestling